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Dr. Caroline Purkhardt combines entrepreneurial spirit, good business practice and scientific rigor with mindfulness and martial arts to provide a powerful and unique coaching experience for leaders, teams and individuals.


A qualified Professional Coach (CPCC), Doctor in Social Psychology and Master in Reiki and T’ai Chi, Caroline developed the highly effective “Stillness in Action” method to help individuals, teams and business leaders positively impact their personal and professional lives and inspire those around them. 

Caroline Purkhardt, PhD


  • Author

  • Certified Professional Coach (CPCC)

  • Doctor of Social Psychology (LSE)

  • Reiki and T'ai Chi Master

  • Entrepreneur and owner of Lauvitel Lodge Holiday and Retreat Centre

  • Expatriate mother of two amazing children

  • Mountain and nature addict

I am often told that I do not do things by halves

Stillness and Action used to be polar opposites for me. Achieving high end goals, like playing lacrosse for England or climbing Alpine and Himalayan peaks, requires a dedication to action that leaves little time for ‘doing nothing’.  I have always craved 'Peak Experiences', those rare situations when one feels a total sense of oneness with the team - or with the mountain - with no questions or doubts, no searching or judging - just being fully present.

Life has also presented me with my fair share of extreme physical, emotional and financial challenges (what I refer to as 'Fall Experiences'):

  • Pushing the limits on a beautiful day of powder skiing, I fell badly and nearly broke my neck.

  • Having created the perfect married life, I had lost any true sense of myself and found no other way out but to leave the relationship.

  • Taking the leap to build my dream business, I became a slave to the ‘to do list’, exhausted and disillusioned.

So Why Stillness?


There are two principal reasons why I began paying more attention to Stillness:

  • I wanted to experience those Peak Experiences more often, but without having to spend weeks in the mountains or train for several hours every day.

  • I realised that Stillness was vital for creating the space I needed to up my game, recover from those Fall Experiences, and go beyond what was previously possible.

The Stillness in Action Method is the distillation of the skills, practices and techniques that I have developed over many years to achieve those goals.

Not only have these practices brought me closer to those Peak Experiences on an everyday basis. I discovered along the way that Stillness, in its many forms, is in fact the true source of effective, joyful action.

You, too, can delight in meaningful action

I apply these learnings to the retreats, coaching programmes and self-development workshops that I have been running for over 15 years. I now specialise almost exclusively on bringing people to Stillness, so that they too can delight in action and lead with meaning and integrity.

Have ambition and dedication brought you a long way in your professional career or personal life but left you longing for that empowering feeling of knowing you are in the right place, doing the right thing? If so, I invite you to join me in the serenity of the French Alps for an experience that will reconnect you with nature and empower you to gently expand your limits, rather than pushing you to break them.

I am here to guide you through the experience. I am here to see the real you, without judgment. Just the way you are.

I invite you to:

Family Wedding
Mountain High!
with Charlie and Tash
Climbing to the Sun
Family Summit
Via Ferrata
Tibetan Retreat
Tough Mudder!
Bivouac Breakfast
At Peace
Snow line
Waking up in Nature
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